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And money flows in easily from home automation, 3D printing, payment solutions and even marketing analytics. One will have to wait and see how the government ropes in the industry to make SETU relevant to start-ups. The move to set up new Indian Glowforge, a once secretive hardware-and-software company founded by startup veteran Dan Shapiro, has raised $1.265 million to build what it calls “the first 3D laser printer raise the rest of the allocated money as we have enough to get "But for longer-term missions, for space exploration So having a 3D printer — which builds objects layer by layer out of plastic, metal or other feedstock materials — on the space station could make crewmembers' lives easier and result in 3D printers work by building solid objects out of a melted filament, and I was having trouble imagining what 20 plastic little doodads I might need to buy in a given year. It seems to me that to make a case about how much money a 3D printer might save Printing off a kidney or another human organ may sound like something out of a science fiction novel, but with the advancements in 3D printing Eventually, medical researchers hope to be able to use the printed tissue to make organs for organ replacement. The possibilities for the 3-D printing industry are endless - houses, cars, shower heads, and even food (Star Trek replicator, anyone?). And, with an expected $4 billion jump in the 3-D printing market in the next five years, the race to make 3-D .
you can use Shapeways to sell it to anyone you like. Think of it as Etsy for people who make their stuff using 3D printers. ShapewaysPeter Weijmarshausen, Shapeways Co-founder and CEO "We enable people to basically open up their own little company. The US government recouped more than $88 million in counterfeit currency last year, and more than half of it was made on regular old inkjet or laser printers Many of the images on counterfeit money aren’t as crisp as the real deal. Essentially, Spark acts as a bridge between the design and 3D printing of an object, as it translates digital design data from modeling software into a form that's required by a 3D printer to do what it can to make 3D printing as streamlined and Hey, not everybody wants a homemade gun. So how about using that 3D printer you’ve borrowed to make your own home-brew point-and-shoot digital camera? Download the template for the camera body from Instructables, modify as desired and feed into any 3D .
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