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MakerBot announced the MakerBot Replicator 2X at CES 2013. The new 3D printer is an extension of the Replicator 2, but has been optimized to print with ABS Filament. The company says the Replicator 2X is for those “ready to explore the frontiers of 3D When we received an unexpected package from the folks at MakerBot last Friday plus around $50 per spool of ABS -- and the calibration / upkeep required to print, it's hard to recommend the Replicator to the casual consumer. And as far as that question The MakerBot of the Replicator 1 was out of the box dual extrusion, something that still isn’t commonplace in 3D printers. Dual extrusion not only allowed two color prints, it also allowed you to use 2 different materials like a ABS and an PVA the Replicator 2 is the low-end model of the new line, and it only prints in one color. It also lacks a heated build surface, which in part helps explain a new focus from MakerBot on PLA plastic for printing. PLA can be generally easier to use than ABS The Makerbot Replicator 2 continues to raise the bar for at-home 3D printing You'll need to toss in an additional $50 to buy either ABS or PLA plastic in 1kg spools. So what's different about the Replicator 2? To begin with, it's capable of a much According to MakerBot, the PLA filament use by the Replicator 2 is harder and more brittle than ABS, but it is also less fickle to work with. (Note: In early 2013 MakerBot will release the Replicator 2X, a dual-extruder version of the Replicator 2 that can .
new desktop 3D printer called the MakerBot Replicator 2X Experimental 3D Printer. It’s a bit of a mouthful to actually say the name, but the desktop printer has been created for fans who want to continue to use ABS Filament, as opposed to the more including the MakerBot Replicator Mini, Replicator Desktop, Z18, and 2X. The distributor will also be stocking the plastic filament consumer by the 3D printers, estimating the retail price at around R700 per kilogram for both PLA and ABS. Asked what the LAS VEGAS, CES 2013 – MakerBot just announced the Replicator 2X, an advanced 3D printer that’s can print complex 2-color models and is optimized for ABS plastic. In addition, MakerBot released a printer API and expects third-party software makers to The Replicator is the newest MakerBot, a relatively inexpensive 3-D printer that can print in either ABS (the same plastic LEGO uses) or PLA (a corn-based bio-material). This version is much bigger, capable of printing objects 9 x 6 x 6 inches in size .
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