Algoritmo 3D Lenticular p/ Entrelaçamento de Imagem Usando Photoshop By
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The December issue of Empire hits shelves tomorrow, and we have five gorgeous 3d lenticular covers to celebrate The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. That's right - move over Tito, Jermaine, Jackie, Marlon and Michael, there's a new Jackson Five in town! You remember those funky postcards that cost a little extra, but when you move them around the picture changes? Well, the proper name for those are Lenticular prints, and now, your Instagrams can get the same treatment. Instawink is a new company and app enabling a much clearer 3D image on posters up to five meters in size which can also be viewed from a distance. Traditionally such animated or 3D images have been produced using of a technology called lenticular printing which combines two or more images Futures End is a weekly series which takes place in the DC Universe five years from now. The world has changed a lot in that time, and this September, each monthly series will reveal what happened to all of our favourite character during that period. variant cover for September’s Deadpool #34 doesn’t mention the publisher’s rivals at DC Comics, but it doesn’t have to. For the second time in as many years, DC will be releasing a slew of 3d lenticular covers tying into a September event UK-based company Synthetic Dimensions has gotten the rights to create a fully licensed lenticular 3D recreation of the original Star Wars Poster. I’m not exactly sure how they’ve done it, but they used the Synthetic Dimensions’ proprietary .
Your rival has time to get their own version in… Welcome to the lenticular 3D cover of Deadpool for issue #34. Theyll be hard to come by though.. Retailers may order 1 copy of the 3D (Dashingly Dancing Deadpool) motion cover for every 52 of the regular "Multiple recent trade secrets open new possibilities for architectural design that can benefit of the "wow" effect of lenticular animation techniques. We can showcase moving images, 3D holographic type visual effects and even short video clips in large If you've picked up a 3D camera from Fujifilm and are basking in the glory of its 3D display, what are you going to do with the 3D photos you've taken, aside from view them on your slick new 3D HDTV? Rather than order 3D photos from Fujifilm directly, you These two dimensional patterns revealing a 3D image were sold as posters and in books. However, today’s pop culture’s preference is for lenticular art, artwork that presents images with the illusion of depth, giving them a three dimensional characteristic. .
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3D Posters Lenticulares
Algoritmo 3D Lenticular p/ Entrelaçamento de Imagem Usando Photoshop
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